Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Love in the time of layoffs, or "hey honey, want to have lunch?"

So, a lot of interesting changes happen when you get laid off. I was excited to spend time with the family. As a working dad, you are never aware of the routines in place when you aren't part of them.

They surprised me. The first morning, at FAMILY breakfast (!) I went around the table and had everyone say what they were doing that day. It didn't make it all the way around!

Then I drove the kids to school. I made them do calisthenics and affirmations (I am smart!) in the car. The next morning, they asked my wife to drive them.

So, I am learning to be at home. That being said, I love it. I am talking to tons of people about tons of things, and its keeping me interested in all of the possibilities out there. Stay tuned, and I plan on posting a lot more!

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